The Magic Show -
Dick Miller is a professional magician - Dawn Kelley is his assistant. They perform shows from the smallest birthday party (for children or for adults), to large, full-size stage shows and anything in-between.
Magic in Many Disguises -
Dick is also:
- The "Wizard of Winchendon"
- The "Magic Railroad Conductor"
- Dick and Dawn also perform an
authentic Victorian-style magic show
in period costumes with magic props
that could have been used 100 years
Close-up, strolling magic is also available.
Please call or email for more details and pricing.
Dick and Dawn
Large and Small - for All Occasions
Stage Magic
- Just like it sounds but you'll need a stage
- Full-size Fantasy, up to 2 Hours
- The Way They Used to Do It!
- Our Big Show, Your Big Wallet!
Close-Up Magic
- Close-up, Walk-around Magic
- Small miracles just for your table
Parlor Magic
- Medium-size magic, and everyone's watching
- Rates run according to time required and size of room -
Please contact for further information and pricing.
Birthday Parties for Young and Old
- Colorful magic illusions geared to either a young age group, or a more sophisticated, older audience.
- Includes a free magic set for the birthday child.
- The performance is fun for all, with lots of amazing magic, as well as comedy, some recorded music and many surprises.
The Magic of DICK and DAWN.
"Sophisticatedly witty Dick Miller and his assistant, the infectiously sunny Dawn Kelley, have performed professionally as a team for over thirty five years as magicians, as musicians and song stylists, and often all talents combined. Their conjuring resources include strolling close-up miracles on up to full-sized stage exhibitions, utilizing either a historically oriented or fashionably up-to-date ambiance, for audiences ranging from the tiniest toddler to the seasoned golden-ager and everyone in between."
Article published in the Society of American Magicians' Barnstormer, by Alan Wassilak, Editor.